How Pegasus Spyware is Targeting Nigerian Citizens: A Comprehensive Guide

9 January 2023

7 minutes read

In a world where technology is constantly advancing, it is important to stay up to date on the latest security threats. Pegasus Spyware is one of the most dangerous and sophisticated digital threats out there, and it is particularly targeting Nigerian citizens. This comprehensive guide will provide a detailed overview of Pegasus Spyware and how it is affecting Nigerian citizens. It will also discuss the various ways it can be used to target individuals, as well as the steps Nigerians can take to protect themselves. By the end of this guide, readers should have a better understanding of the Pegasus Spyware threat and how to protect themselves against it.

What is Pegasus Spyware?

Pegasus Spyware is a dangerous form of commercial spyware that can be used to covertly monitor individuals’ computer activities. It was originally created by an Israeli cyber intelligence company called NSO Group. The original product was called Skygofree and could only be used against iOS devices. However, the product was subsequently acquired by another cyber intelligence company called Francisco Partners. After the acquisition, Francisco Partners rebranded the product as Pegasus Spyware. The product was developed to target Android devices and can infect both jailbroken and non-jailbroken devices. Pegasus spyware was designed to infiltrate devices through various means, such as fake websites, physical access, or remote code execution. It can also be delivered through malicious links sent via text messages or emails. Once on a device, Pegasus Spyware can be used to extract sensitive data, such as contacts, emails, text messages, location data, and voicemails. It can also be used to record ambient audio, take photos with the device’s camera, and enable the device’s microphone to record audio in the surrounding environment.

How Pegasus Spyware is Targeting Nigerians

Because Pegasus Spyware can infect both jailbroken and non-jailbroken devices, it is very effective at targeting individuals. It can be delivered remotely, making it easier to infect a large number of devices. Pegasus Spyware is most commonly being used to target Nigerian citizens. This is likely due to the country’s large population, as well as its high level of smartphone usage. In fact, recent statistics show that Nigerians make up around 20% of the world’s mobile subscribers. This means that there are a large number of potential victims for Pegasus Spyware. It is particularly targeting Nigerian citizens who are located in major cities, such as Abuja, Lagos, and Ibadan. This is likely due to the fact that Pegasus Spyware can be used to target members of the government and law enforcement agencies. As such, these individuals may be the most at risk for being targeted with this form of commercial spyware.

The Security Risks of Pegasus Spyware

Pegasus Spyware poses a number of serious security risks. First and foremost, it is likely that it was created and distributed in violation of various international laws. As such, it can put innocent citizens at risk of being targeted and monitored without their knowledge. Pegasus Spyware can also be used to gain access to sensitive information, such as government data. This could then be used to blackmail government officials or members of law enforcement. In addition, Pegasus Spyware poses a serious risk to businesses. It can be used to target both employees and customers. It can also be used to steal company secrets, intellectual property, and source code.

How Pegasus Spyware Works

Pegasus Spyware is installed on a device through various means. It can be delivered remotely to Android devices through a fake websites, text messages, or emails. It can also be delivered through physical access, in which a government agent installs it on a device through a USB drive or SD card. Once installed, Pegasus Spyware can collect sensitive data and information from a device. This information can then be sent to the person who installed Pegasus Spyware remotely. Some versions of Pegasus Spyware even allow the remote user to remotely control the device, record ambient sound from the device’s microphone, take photos with the device’s camera, and even access the device’s microphone to record audio in the surrounding environment. Pegasus Spyware can also be used to steal sensitive data and information, such as contacts, emails, text messages, GPS location data, passwords, browser history, and photos. This data can then be used to blackmail victims or distribute harmful content.

How Pegasus Spyware Impacts Nigerian Citizens

Pegasus Spyware poses a serious threat to Nigerian citizens. It can be used to monitor and record the activities of both government officials and civilians. It can also be used to steal sensitive data, such as emails, text messages, and photos. Pegasus Spyware can even be used to remotely control a device. Once installed on a device, Pegasus Spyware is difficult to remove. This means that victims may have trouble identifying and removing the threat from their devices. This can be especially challenging for less tech-savvy individuals, such as government officials or law enforcement. In addition, Pegasus Spyware can be difficult to detect. This means that individuals may not even know that their devices have been infected with this type of spyware. This can make it difficult to protect oneself against this malicious software.

Steps Nigerians Can Take to Protect Themselves

If you are living in Nigeria, it is important to take steps to protect yourself against Pegasus Spyware. First and foremost, you should use a secure and up-to-date device. When selecting a device, you should make sure it is running a current operating system, such as Android 9 Pie or iOS 12. This is because Pegasus Spyware is designed to exploit older versions of operating systems. It is also important to use a secure and encrypted email service. It is best to avoid using public email services, such as Gmail, as these are often less secure than private email services. Finally, you should exercise caution when clicking on links or downloading files from untrustworthy sources. You should also avoid providing sensitive information, such as your phone number or email address, on unsecure websites or apps.

How Businesses Can Protect Against Pegasus Spyware

It can be challenging to protect against Pegasus Spyware. This is because businesses often don’t know they are being targeted with this form of commercial spyware. This is particularly the case for businesses located in Nigeria. If you are a business operating in Nigeria, you should implement strict security measures to protect yourself against Pegasus Spyware. You should also attempt to educate your employees about the threat posed by Pegasus Spyware. You might want to implement a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy. This will allow you to closely monitor the devices that your employees use and help you detect threats like Pegasus Spyware. You should also implement strict security measures, such as restricting the use of USB drives and requiring employees to use secure and encrypted email services. Finally, if you believe that you have been targeted with Pegasus Spyware, you should contact a computer security professional immediately.

The Future of Pegasus Spyware

Pegasus Spyware is a dangerous form of commercial spyware that can be used to maliciously target individuals. It poses a serious threat to individuals in Nigeria, as well as organizations in the country. Fortunately, security researchers are actively working to detect and remove Pegasus Spyware from infected devices. Researchers have also been hard at work trying to better understand this malicious software. This means that they are likely to uncover new Pegasus Spyware threats in the future. It is also likely that cybercriminals will continue to use Pegasus Spyware to target individuals and businesses. This could pose a serious threat to Nigerian organizations. It is important to remain vigilant in protecting against threats like Pegasus Spyware. This will help reduce the risk of being targeted with this malicious software.


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